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About email and number

I got a WhatsApp message from Germany +4915156880499 saying (Good day Dear Ms. Naseri, we are an organisation that helps people who are seeking protection in Germany…. please use the email address:

Is this number and email address is trustable may I share my details with ?



Reply (10)

Community Manager please answer my question ?
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Hi @naseree , thank you for reaching out. So far I have not come across this e-mail. The official e-mails send out to people with the federal admission program, if an organization has applied on your behalf is different. I will need to double check this. Please give me some time. In the meantime, have you received en e-mail from the We also have many people asking the same questions, maybe you can connect with them and ask about their experiences. Best wishes
In addition thanks for your prompt reply, I have shared my documents with some organisations but exactly I don’t know which ones has applied on my behalf. The WhatsApp number I mentioned above has text me,”good day! Ms. Naseri, we are an organization that helps people who are looking for support in Germany. We have received your request and are reviewing it. In order to proceed with your case, we need the answers to the following questions. Please answer the question as soon as possible and send it to us. So that we can continue to investigate your case. - Please explain to what extent you have been restricted since the Taliban came to power and make it clear to us what kind of restrictions you have been subjected to so far? Please send the requested documents and information to the following email: .” I haven’t received any emails from NOREPLY@HAAGERMANY.HELP. Yet. I’m waiting to hear back from you. Best wishes
Yara _community Manager please reply me ?
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Hi @naseree , I still have to double check with the coordination center, they are getting back to me. We are not the coordination center. Unfortunately, this is taking longer. As soon as I get some news I will reply here. Best wishes
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Hello @naseree , I go the feedback that this number and e-mail is trustworthy, please reply to them with the information that they need. This is an important next step to receive approval of admission to Germany. Please let me know if you have any further questions. Best wishes
Hello Yara, I do highly appreciate your feedback on this matter. Thank you so much ?

Hello @Yara__Community_Manager  as your instructions I replied to that email but I didn’t receive any confirmation from them yet, so I’m confused about that whether they have received my email or not ? Also if you could please tell me how long it takes to respond back? 
 Thank you much in advance 

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Hello @naseree , unfortunately I cannot tell you when you will receive a reply.
I hope you will soon receive a reply.
Best wishes


Dear @Yara__Community_Manager  thanks from your rep

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