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Hello every body.  I came to Germany by studying Visa and applied for asylum on February. I have resident permits for few months. However I didn't know what right may I have? Whether I have the right to enroll language course, receive insurance, accomodation...

your information and advice are welcome. 


Reply (6)

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Hello @Haqmal , thank you for coming on our platform. We have complied all the information of your rights as an asylum seeker here: You can change the language in the bottom left corner. If you have any question regarding the information provided on our info sheet, let us know. 1. If you can attend an integration course depends on your country of origin. How to apply and the requirements can be found here: 2. In general, you should be covered by health insurance, you should receive a health insurance card for refugees if you have stayed in Germany for longer than 18 months. More information on the topic of health insurance can be found here: 3. Once you register as an asylum seeker, you should be assigned to a initial refugee reception center. Your accommodation should be covered by the state. You can find more information about the accommodation for refugees in the first hyperlink. In general, it is important to seek out legal counseling for your asylum procedure. If you let me know what city you are currently in, then I can help you search for a free advice center that will support you throughout the asylum procedure. It is especially important to be well prepared for the interview with the BAMF. More information about the asylum procedure can be found here: Please let me know if you need further information. Best wishes Yara
Dear Ms. Yara, Thank you very much for your information. Unfortunately, I couldn't find my answer in HandbookGermany you referred to because my case is different from whom come to Germany illegally and apply for asylum. I have been in cooperation with the Germans for almost 8 years but I have not to find the chance to evacuate from Afghanistan through the German government evacuation program. Therefore, I came here alone with a Student visa but I was unable to bring my family with me. I have a one-year resident permit with private insurance and live in the city of Marburg. I contacted different authorities and organizations regarding my family but still have not succeeded to invite them. Finally, I decided to apply for asylum via a Diakoni office. So, I send my application to the BAMF office by post and I have not visited the refugee reception center.
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Dear @Haqmal , thank you for getting back to me. Whether you can bring you immediate family to Germany depends on various factors, such as; your residence, sometimes income and living space. You can find more information on family reunification for immigrants here: and family reunification for refugees here: Regarding your question about accommodation and health insurance. I would contact the Diakonie, that is currently supporting you, again and ask about the specifics of the health insurance and accommodation. Since you are not in a refugee reception center. If you need further support, please let me know what city you are in, and I can search for advice center near you. It is important that you receive good advice for your asylum procedure. Please let me know if you have further questions Best wishes Yara
@Yara__Community_Manager Dear Frau Yara, Many thanks for your information. I know the regulation regarding the family reunion, but it is difficult for me to fulfill the conditions. I need humanitarian assistance as I have worked with the Germans since 2014 and all people who were in my case have been evacuated with their families or are being evacuated. Regarding your question, I live in Marburg City. I am looking forward to hearing from you Kind regards,
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Dear @Haqmal , Unfortunately, these requirements for family reunification are extremely high and many cannot fulfill them. It is important now that you concentrate on receiving advice on your asylum procedure. I found the following Migrations advice in Marburg. Which is the Diakonie, you probably already contacted them, correct? I would ask them what the next steps are, now that you applied for asylum. They should be able to answer your questions on who will pay for your housing and health insurance. Here is also more information on the asylum procedure: Best wishes Yara
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Dear @Haqmal I would also again discuss with the migration center whether applying for asylum is the best option for you at the moment.
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  • Funded by the Federal Ministry of the Interior and Homeland Logo
  • Funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Migration, Refugees and Integration and the Federal Government Commissioner for Anti-Racism Logo
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