Applying for visa, just found out I'm pregnant
Hi there,
My partner (non-EU bluecard holder) and I are getting married next week in order to enable me to apply to join him in Germany as his spouse, however I just discovered I'm pregnant. Neither of us will have lived in Germany long enough when the child is born to entitle the child to German citizenship, so will I need to apply for an additional visa? If so, what kind?
We would like to have the baby in Germany if at all possible.
Also, we are from a native English speaking country, and information is mixed on whether or not English documentation requires a translation into German. Will I need my documents professionally translated, or is English acceptable?
Many thanks!
Hi @VicGos ,
welcome to our forum and thanks for your question. It sounds like you’re going through a lot of big changes and I’m sure many questions are coming up for you. It also seems like you’ve done a lot of research already, which is great.
First of all, it is absolutely possible for you to have your baby in Germany.
Now, regarding the residence status of your future child: As you’ve mentioned, a child born in Germany is not automatically entitled to a German citizenship. If you and your husband will not fulfil the requirement for your child at the time of its birth to receive a German citizenship, it can still get a residence permit.
For now, before your child is born, you will only need a visa for yourself as a spouse to join your husband in Germany. Once your baby is born, you can get an appointment for it’s residence permit. When a single parent (in legal terms) or both parents have a residence permit at the time of the birth (which will be the case for you and your to be husband), you can get an appointment at a citizen’s office (for example in Berlin, it’s at Bürgeramt: You will need other documents like the birth certificate of your child, you and your husband’s passports, your child’s passport, etc.
To your last question: foreign documents need to be officially translated, even the ones in english. You might also need to get your document certified. The procedures might vary depending on the country in which the document was issued. Please have a look at this page:
I hope this was helpful and let us know if you have more questions.
I wish you and your family all the best!