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asylum request

Best wishes.  You and the international community are well aware that the current situation in Afghanistan is facing a difficult situation because the security sector of Afghanistan such as the Ministry of Interior, the Ministry of Defense and the National Directorate of Security has been destroyed.  I am Mohammad and my whole family is facing serious threats.  Our activities within the framework of internal affairs are prevention of violence against women, prevention of violence against girls and children, strengthening of human rights, attraction, attraction and education of female police officers in the police ranks, human rights, humanitarian  On the one hand, there are serious threats and dangers to monitor the rights and cases of violence against women.  On the other hand, their future faces an unknown fate.  We strongly request your esteemed organization to provide special assistance in providing shelter abroad to the security forces and human rights officers and their families through human contact.  Thank you.  I am also one of those officers who strongly support human rights.  My life and the life of my family are in serious danger.  I earnestly request you to give me shelter from human compassion so that I can be saved from these threats and kidnappings in the future.  Sincerely Muhammad


Reply (1)

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Barbara_Community Manager

Dear @mayazsalarzai  , I am very sorry for your situation. We are an online forum, based in Germany, and we can only give you initial information. We are also not part of the Federal Admission Program. For information about Afghanistan, please visit our Afghanistan information page: You can apply for asylum in Germany if you are already in Germany, we have more information about the asylum process on our Handbook Germany page: I wish you all the best. Barbara 
PS. In order to protect your privacy, I have deleted some information that would reveal your identity.

A project by:
  • medienmacher
  • Funded by the European Union Logo
  • Funded by the Federal Ministry of the Interior and Homeland Logo
  • Funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Migration, Refugees and Integration and the Federal Government Commissioner for Anti-Racism Logo
Funded by:
  • International Rescue Committee Logo