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Bank account without Anmeldung?

Good morning. A query.. Do you you know some bank to open an account that does not ask for Anmeldung? It could be an online bank, except for n26 that has rejected me because they said that my passport is special because it lasts just 1 year and they need a document that is valid for at least 4 years. I am processing a new passport but it will take a little while. And I need to pay the bills already. Thanks for your help


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Good evening @Diana__Soto

indeed opening a bank account is a hurdle for many new comers. 

However, there are certain banks where an "Anmeldung" or registration is not necessary and your passport should also be accepted.

 Please see this list for recommendations: 

Please check with the bank beforehand to avoid disappointment. and feel free to let the community know which bank worked best for you!

 Best wishes Yara

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