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Carrying for Personnal Use Gold Amount to Germany

Hope you are doing well
I am kindly asking for something hope I will receive it answer.
As you know my wife is German citizen and since 2014 she is living here in Afghanistan , now she planne to go to back Germany so my specific questions here is that:
1-As a current and updated rule how much gold can a women carry with hereself to the Germany for here personal use with free of taxes.
With how much value can a women carry gold or jewelry from Asian countries to German for their personal uses with free of tax.


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Barbara Stasiak_Community Manager
Dear @iqbalihsas , please check the link:… Best Barbara
A project by:
  • medienmacher
  • Funded by the European Union Logo
  • Funded by the Federal Ministry of the Interior and Homeland Logo
  • Funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Migration, Refugees and Integration and the Federal Government Commissioner for Anti-Racism Logo
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  • International Rescue Committee Logo