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Change of accommodation

Hello Group members and Admin,

Do we need to inform BAMF for accommodation changes? We are Afghan asylum seekers and we have just moved to a new accommodation. The past and new one are both from the government and the Anmeldung process was also done by local authorities themselves. If we are obligated to report our new address what is the right way any email address or post address? 

Thank you so much for all the support in advance. 


Reply (2)

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Hi @Hassan , thank you for reaching out, the experts from @LIFE__Initiative will answer your question as soon as possible.
Best wishes

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Hello @Hassan  , thank you for your question. It is important to inform the BAMF about the change of address. You can use this template and enter your details: and send it to the post address. It is best to use the address of the BAMF that is responsible for you. In most cases, the office of the BAMF that belongs to your accommodation is responsible. If you do not know which BAMF is responsible for you, you can ask the staff at your accommodation which BAMF office is responsible for you. It is best to send a letter by registered mail with return receipt. Registered mail with return receipt is like a regular letter, but you get proof that it has been delivered. It costs 3.10 €. To send it, you need to go to a Deutsche Post branch. The post office will give you a code with proof of delivery. Take a photo of the code and keep it. It may also be important to inform the foreigners authority about the change of address. You can proceed in the same way as with the BAMF.

I hope this information is helpful for you. 

Kind regards,


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  • Funded by the Federal Ministry of the Interior and Homeland Logo
  • Funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Migration, Refugees and Integration and the Federal Government Commissioner for Anti-Racism Logo
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