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Support for Families

extra financial support


i am living in germany with my wife and son

now how i get the extra money for financial support 

our income is and currently need extra money 

please guide me 

thank you 


Reply (3)

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My Nguyen_Community Managerin
Hello @Rahmatrahim thank you for reaching out to us. Since you asked your question under the category Child Benefits, I assume that you want to inform yourself about “Kindergeld” (child allowance) and “Kinderzuschlag” (Additional Child Benefits). To answer your question more properly, may I ask if you have applied for any other financial support yet? Additionally, in which process are you and your family right now or which residence status do you have? Happy if you let me know how old your son is. With those additional information, I can offer you more support and guidance.
thank you so much me and our family members have 3 yrs residents permit and supported by jobcenter. i have not apply for any other support for my child and my child is 2yrs old and we don't have admission for kindergarten jet. and please give me information about gendergeld and Kinderzuschlag regard
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My Nguyen_Community Managerin
Thank you for your quick answer, @Rahmatrahim Generally, to meet the requirements to apply for Kindergeld are: - children under 18 years old - your residence permit should allow you to work for at least 6 months - you currently live in Germany. You can find the application form "Antrag auf Kindergeld" and the additional form "Anlage Kind zum Hauptantrag Kindergeld" in different languages on the website of the federal employment agency. Please make sure that you hand in both of the application forms at your responsible "Familienkasse" (Family Benefit Office). You can find the responsible location by entering your zip code in the search field:… . However, since you receive support by jobcenter, you should have applied for child benefit already. Maybe you would like to check with your responsible case worker at the jobcenter again. Nevertheless, please note that in case Familienkasse will grant you Kindergeld, you need to inform jobcenter about that. Unfortunately, this will be added as "income" and counted towards your regular benefits. In reality this is often no benefit but required to apply for. . Unfortunately, you might not be eligible for Kinderzuschlag. You must meet the following requirements: - your child is under 25 and unmarried - you get Child benefit - your income is less than 900€ gross per month as a couple (or 600€gross per month as a single) - and you do not get support by jobcenter. You can read more about Kinderzuschlag on our website. . Lastly, I would like to mention that there is an educational package, which you might consider to apply for. This fund supports your child to participate in school or leisure activities. You can read more about it on our website. Please let me know if you need help finding the correct Familienkasse or you have further questions.
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