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Hello my name is Elham I am 17 years old from Afghanistan I live in Germany I want to invite my family to Germany I have for 3 years visa 

I mean I have inhabitancy for 3 years right now cuz I am under 18+ I am allowed to invite my family to here I have 2 sisters one small brother and just my mom my father he is not allowed to travel how I can start for this hard thing in my visa document they write I can invite them in 3 months I already gone 2 months I just 1 month the big problem is there is no German embassy in Afghanistan right now and my mom is alone it's hard for her travel alone and I ask some people they should travel to Pakistan or Iran 

It's also kinda weird cuz Pakistan or Iran visa is too expensive for us I am a student right now my mom she can't work and my father he is in bad situation as well anyone can help me please  



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Hello @hassanzadahelham ,

Thank you for reaching out to us. You mentioned you received a three-year visa/residency. Do you know what type of residency you have? Usually, it says on your plastic card under “remarks”
Under what conditions you can bring your parents to Germany, depends on the current status that you have. You can find more about the residency titles for protection on our info page, this might help you know what title you have.

The first step you should do, if you have received asylum or refugee protection, is the so called “Fristwahrende anzeige”  or timely notification.
As you mentioned, you only have 3 months from the time you received the decision from BAMF. It is important that you fill in this timely notification within the 3 months to make sure that you can bring your parents to Germany.
You can do the timely notification by clicking on the link and choosing timely notification:
Please download and save or print the form.

This only applies if you have received refugee protection or asylum, if you have subsidiary protection, or another residency title. You do not need to fill this in and other regulations apply to you.  You can read more here:

It is also important that you receive further counselling and legal advice. That can help you with the application.
If you let me know where you live, I can help you find a suitable counselling centre. You can also try and search for one yourself using the BAMF navi:

Please let me know if you have any further questions. I am always happy to help

Best wishes

A project by:
  • medienmacher
  • Funded by the European Union Logo
  • Funded by the Federal Ministry of the Interior and Homeland Logo
  • Funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Migration, Refugees and Integration and the Federal Government Commissioner for Anti-Racism Logo
Funded by:
  • International Rescue Committee Logo