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Family Reunification

Family reunification


i hope you are doing well, i am here in Germany with a Aufenthaltstitel 22 S.1, and my wife is in Afghanistan we got married in Afghanistan but unfortunately i couldn’t get an admission for approval for her so i had to leave her there. Now i am seeking help and considering different options and see if there is an option so i could bring her here and be together once again. Therefore i would really appreciate it if you could help me. My wife is also a journalist so she is living a very difficult life right now, i talked to a lawyer but he said he is not very familiar with the 22 s.1, so if there is any hint or option so i could share with him and we act on that or if you could please introduce me to someone else or any organisation so i could get her out of the hardship that she is facing right now. 


Sabawoon Salik


Reply (13)

Sorry I forgot to write i am currently living in Magdeburg*
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My Nguyen_Community Managerin
Dear @sabawoonsalik We are currently receiving a large influx of messages and will provide a more detailed response in the coming days. First of all, some more general information that may help.… Best wishes, My
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My Nguyen_Community Managerin
Dear @sabawoonsalik I am sorry to hear that. In order to be able to answer you more precisely, I would like to ask in advance what the current situation is or was. Did you apply together and only you got the approval? So your wife is still waiting for a review/approval? Did you apply for the same program? If you applied together through your former organisation, it would be highly recommended to ask them again. They can ask again about your case and make pressure. Otherwise, you can always go to migration counseling centers, which will look at everything with you again in more detail. There are several in the area of Magdeburg. Please find the contact to the institutions around Magdeburg. Happy to read your reply, so I can answer them more properly.
Thank you for your response, We didn’t had an official marriage certificate because all the offices were closed when we got married so i asked them to give me a couple of days but they said they cannot wait and sent only my name for approval and later when i got the marriage certificate they said they cannot do anything now and the situation was getting worse so i had no option but to leave alone.
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My Nguyen_Community Managerin
Hi @sabawoonsalik thank you for your response. I am sorry to hear that they haven't accepted the marriage certificate afterwards. In general, it is easier for families to apply together for the program. Now it will be more complicated to apply for family reunification. An application is possible under certain circumstances. First of all, there must be humanitarian reasons, such as small children or sickness. You will need to proof that you are the only one who is able to take care and she depends on you or the other way around. Unfortunately, the program is currently on hold. You can find more information about the process and updates on our Handbook Germany website. I really do recommend consulting a local counseling center to discuss your options in detail. If you need any assistance in contacting a local center, please let me know. Wish you all the best, My
Hello and thank you ma’am for the answer, Yes i would really appreciate it if you could help me with contacting a counselling center as i have tried to contact one via email but it’s been two weeks and i did not receive any response until now.
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My Nguyen_Community Managerin
Thank you for getting back, @sabawoonsalik I don't know which one you already contacted. Here you can find some details: CRV Magdeburg Max-Josef-Metzger-Straße 1a 39104 Magdeburg 0391 28921023 This provider offers an online advisory service:… . German Association for Welfare Parity Familienhaus Magdeburg gGmbH, Migrationsberatungsstelle Hohepfortestr. 14 39106 Magdeburg 0391/99000099 . AWO Landesverband Sachsen-Anhalt e.V. Klausenerstr. 17 39112 Magdeburg 0391 99977 737 . Happy if you get back to me with feedback, if either one worked or you have more questions.
Hello once again and sorry i am late to reply. I met someone from Caritas but unfortunately they didn’t have any information regarding the paragraph 22 and they said there is not enough information available online too but he asked me to register for an appointment in one of the embassies in the neighbouring countries but he wasn’t sure if they will give her a visa or not. I am still confused about what should I do, i have just got my B1 certificate and started B2 and i have heard that i need to leave my studies and start working so i can afford her stay here and then they will give her a visa. But right now that there is not guarantee that they will give her a visa even after that. So I still need some help with answering this question, should i start working and leave my studies? Warm regards, Sabawoon
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My Nguyen_Community Managerin
Hello @sabawoonsalik , thank you for getting back to me. I am glad to hear that you were able to connect with someone from Caritas. However, I am sorry that the organization does not have sufficient experience with §22 so far. As I mentioned before, the process for a separate family reunification is more complex, has high hurdles but less chances and often requires a legal advice. In your case, since you hold a residence permit according to §22, there needs to be compelling humanitarian reasons to receive a positive response. The government is still discussing the possibility of implementing a simplified process for family reunification. You can find more information here:… . Having your own income would certainly strengthen your case, especially if there are humanitarian reasons involved. Please note that before you decide to quit your studies, you should seek out for some legal advice in order to get a better understanding about your chances of a positive family reunion for now. If you study at the University in Magdeburg, you can reach out to their counseling proposal for a first initial consultation:… . I also reached out so Flüchtlingsrat and a consultant in Berlin to ask for more help and expertise. As soon as I have news, I will get back to you. Please let me know in case you have further questions.
Thank you so much for your help and I would really appreciate it if you share their response once you have one.
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My Nguyen_Community Managerin
Dear @sabawoonsalik thank you for your patience. Unfortunately, Flüchtlingsrat in Sachsen-Anhalt only knows a migration lawyer in Leipzig. You can reach out to Matthias Lehnert and his office to schedule an appointment: There is the possibility to get legal aid. For more information about the financial aid you can have a look on our website: You can apply for the cost coverage of the first legal counseling at "Amtsgericht Magdeburg" for this Consultation Assistance ("Beratungshilfe"): You will need to bring and show them everything which proofs that you are eligible for Consultation Assistance due to financial reasons. Please bring your last 3 payslips or confirmation from Jobcentre, a current bank statement and all your expenses, such as rental contract, loans, etc. In case the lawyers agree to take over your case, there is an additional financial legal support fund by ProAsyl. Flüchtlingsrat Sachsen-Anhalt offers to support you with the application. . Alternatively, one consultant from AWO suggests, that you reach out to a migration counseling centre again and discuss your option to apply for asylum. As a recognized refugee you will be allowed to apply for family reunion for your wife. Please let me know if you need further help of have additional questions.
Hello and thank you for your response, I lost access to my email address therefore i couldn’t reply on time. I have already contacted the above mentioned lawyer but unfortunately he said he doesn’t have time for new clients, so i am still looking around for other lawyers and have contacted a couple of them and waiting for their response. I was also considering the last option to apply for asylum and hope it will help me. I have one last question, as you have said before that the government is working to simplify the family reunification process, my question is, is there any news regarding that? Thank you and best regards
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My Nguyen_Community Managerin
Dear @sabawoonsalik happy that you got back to us. I am sorry to hear that it didn't worked out with the recommended lawyer. You can have a look here for some lawyers in Sachsen-Anhalt as well: . It is very understandable, that you wish to proceed fast with the family reunification. Unfortunately, there are no news about that. Please note my recommendation: before you decide to apply for asylum, please reach out to a asylum counseling first so you can get all the necessary information to decide. In Magdeburg this is offered by Caritas:… In case you need help to contact them, please let me know, I am happy to support.
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  • Funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Migration, Refugees and Integration and the Federal Government Commissioner for Anti-Racism Logo
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