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Marriage & Divorce

family reunification

My question is that I want to know how to bring my wife to Germany. I have been married for two years and I have been living in Germany for two years now, but my wife is in Afghanistan, my wife was a journalist in Afghanistan, but I came to Germany with the approval of my father. Please, if it is possible,  Give me an appointment and I will come and share my problem with you


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Barbara Stasiak_Community Manager
Dear @Maryia-Alipoor@ , thank you for contacting us. Whether you can apply for family reunification depends on your residence status. In other words, you must have (at least) a legal residence permit. Please, could you write me what kind of residence permit you have. We cannot give you an appointment with us, as we are only an online forum that provides first information. I am waiting for your reply. Best regards, Barbara.
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