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Family reunification: Dual national (German/Afghan)

Hi community,

I am a dual national (German and Afghan) currently enrolled as a student in Germany. i came for family need to Afghanistan recently and in meantime got married. At the moment, unfortunately i am in Afghanistan but i want to bring my wife to Germany.

What options do i have? i am already leaving behind my studies and also risking being here myself in Afghanistan. If i want to stay here for long, i would need to do abmeldung over there which make things even more difficult. I would need an advice here so that to reach my goal in an effective manner given my situation. 

I already applied for the appointment at embassy but i still lack some documents such as Marriage certificate. 

Looking forward to your response and guidance. 


Reply (3)

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Hello @afghan2024 , thank you for reaching out to us.

It’s great that you have already applied for an appointment. Unfortunately, the waiting time can be quite long.

The requirements for your wife to come to Germany are easier because you are a German citizen. Your wife will need A1 German, marriage certificate and a valid passport in order to apply for the visa.
You can read more information here:

 There have been cases where those with dual citizenship have a more difficult time getting family reunification, especially if you cannot cover you living expenses. The federal administrative court has made a decision in 2012 about a case, suggesting that there should be no negative consequences for those who hold dual citizenship. However, in case of a rejection because you cannot cover the living costs you can think about getting a migration lawyer that will take on your case, this will of course cost you.
You can also reach out to counselling centre, that can also help you further such as the

Best wishes for you and your wife.


Dear Yara, Thanks for the detailed response. however, i would like to ask for the sugesstion regarding abmeldung. Should i consider doing abmeldung ( as i might be staying for long in Afghanistan and can not easily move out without my wife)? Would it make things even more difficult for me as a German citizen? I am worried about my insurance as it will be very costly to afford. I would like to make an informed decision and avoid any disadvantage that might result out of it.

Thanks already for your response.


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Dear @afghan2024 ,

thank you for specifying your question. Indeed it makes it easier to have your residency in Germany for the so called "Ehegattenachzug". As far as I know for the application you have to specify where you will live. If you no longer have anmeldung this could make it a bit more difficult. But I can understand that paying for the insurance will be costly.
I would recommend to contact:
They have more expertise and can answer your question.
Please also update us on the answer, this will also help other community members.
Best wishes

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  • medienmacher
  • Funded by the European Union Logo
  • Funded by the Federal Ministry of the Interior and Homeland Logo
  • Funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Migration, Refugees and Integration and the Federal Government Commissioner for Anti-Racism Logo
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  • International Rescue Committee Logo