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Kakar Imranullah
Family Reunification

Family reunion

I got my asylum approval based on law Section 3.1 paragraph 25 for three years and my family are in Afghanistan. 

Which consulate is better to apply for family reunion for my family? 

And what are the requirements? 


Reply (1)

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Barbara Stasiak_Community Manager
Hey @Kakar Imranullah , It is still not clear to me what kind of status you have, is it Abschiebungsverbot, recognised refugee? In general, the family reunification process can take quite a while, even 2 years. You can apply for the so-called "privileged family reunification". You will have to apply for the timely notification within the first three months of your recognition as a refugee/person entitled to asylum in Germany. This is an important document to keep safe. Here is the website where you can apply for this timely notice: If you do not apply until later, the same requirements apply to you as the individuals with a national ban on deportation ("Abschiebungsverbot"). The embassy in Islamabad or in Tehran are the right institutions for family reunification. The appointment can only be booked through the embassy of Kabul:… Here you can find information about the documents your family needs to bring to the German Embassy: On our website you find more information about Afghanistan and reunion: Pashto and Farsi Finally I would encourage you to seek advice. I can support you find advice for the process of family reunification as it is not always so easy to manage by oneself. I can support you search for an advice center near you, if you let me know the city you live in. You can also use the BAMF navi to search on your own: Best Barbara
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