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Family Reunion

Dear Madame/Sir,

I am master student in Germany and my wife has applied for family reunion. Apart from me and my wife, we have a daughter 1.5 year old.

Do I have to provide proof of an accommodation which is bigger than 24 pm? Because my single room is about 17-18 qm. I am looking for an apartment which is bigger than 30-40 qm, but since I am a student, it is not easy to find because of salary etc. However, I work as a student I have other income sources like blocked account. Do you think accomodation of such kind will be a problem for my family to come here in Germany? Or am I allowed to find a bigger place after arrival of my family here? 


Kind regards,



Reply (3)

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Hello @Mamo ,
thank you for asking your question on out platform. There are many others who are in similar situations.

Unfortunately, yes, the size of your apartment has to be big enough to accommodate your family. In principle, you need 12 square meters per each person aged 6 and over. For children under 6 years old, 10 square meters is enough. Babies, up to 2 years of age, are not counted. In exceptional cases, a flat can be somewhat smaller. Please note: The required size may vary depending on the federal state. As a rule, it is 12 square meters– sometimes 9 square meters can also be sufficient.
There are some exceptions, you can read more information on our page here:

Usually, you will have to show that you have enough space before your family comes to Germany.
If you have any further questions, I am happy to help.
Best wishes


Thank you very much for your time and efforts answering my question.


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@Mamo , you are very weclome.

A project by:
  • medienmacher
  • Funded by the European Union Logo
  • Funded by the Federal Ministry of the Interior and Homeland Logo
  • Funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Migration, Refugees and Integration and the Federal Government Commissioner for Anti-Racism Logo
Funded by:
  • International Rescue Committee Logo