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Father suffered a stroke

Good day,

I am currently dealing with a complex and sensitive situation that requires professional guidance. I hope you can provide direction, if not assistance.

My father, who is Ukrainian, along with my mother (also Ukrainian), were visiting my brother and sister in Germany, where they live as refugees. My siblings live separately, and my brother's status is uncertain because he initially traveled to Bulgaria with my parents at the start of the war, whereas my sister has been in Germany from the beginning. I reside in the Netherlands.

During their visit, my father suffered a stroke that left him incapacitated, significantly impacting our family, especially my mother. This situation raises several urgent questions for us.

1. Medical expenses: My father's insurance is a Ukrainian traveler's policy covering up to €30,000. We are unsure about the total costs, but anticipate that the medical expenses will greatly exceed this amount. Despite his critical physical condition, there is a potential for rehabilitation, which offers a slight chance of recovery. However, the cost of rehabilitation centers, given his current lack of basic reflexes, will be prohibitively expensive.

My sister suggests that registering him as a refugee might allow us to obtain governmental assistance in Germany. I am skeptical about the feasibility of this approach—why would a government take on such a severely ill individual?

She proposes three possible courses of action:

1. Apply through the city hall in the city where my father is receiving treatment, linking him to my mother.

2. Apply through the city where my brother, a minor, lives since they are his parents.

3. Apply through my sister, who is an adult with clear refugee status.

How feasible are these options? Should we even consider pursuing them?

We have only three weeks before my father is due for rehabilitation, and we're unsure of our next steps. We plan to visit city hall tomorrow to explore our options further.

Thank you for your assistance.


Reply (1)

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Dear @greentheleaf , I'm really sorry to hear about what your family is going through. It sounds like a tough situation. It might be helpful to reach out to one of these organizations:… They might be able to offer some support in sorting out the whole situation. Wishing you all the best in this difficult time. Best Barbara
A project by:
  • medienmacher
  • Funded by the European Union Logo
  • Funded by the Federal Ministry of the Interior and Homeland Logo
  • Funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Migration, Refugees and Integration and the Federal Government Commissioner for Anti-Racism Logo
Funded by:
  • International Rescue Committee Logo