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Family Reunification

Germany Admission

I was working with german government in Afghanistan, I got my acceptance to go germany as an immigrant from third country like Pakistan or Iran, but after my acceptance letter I married and now I am pregnant, my husband and my child father was not included in application because I was single at the time of applying. 

So, I would like to ask can I go with husband to third country and will the embassy issue visa for my husband too? 

While, he was not included in my application. 

At all, I wanted to take an advice to what do that my husbnad go with me. 



Reply (7)

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Yara_Community Manger
Hello, thank you @afg.12 for your question! It is important that you let your former employer know that you are now married and pregnant and would like to take you husband with you. You have the right to take your immediate family members with you (husband and children) You should also contact the e-mail where you were informed that you received approval of admission to Germany. If this is not possible, please contact: It is important that you ask that the approval of admission be extended. So that it will include your husband. It is important to include the full name of your husband, date of birth, place of birth, passport number and how you are related. I would also include the information that you are pregnant. Please include all this information in the e-mail. Then your husband should also receive approval of admission to Germany. See also this for more information: I would also recommend filling out this file from Kabul Luftbrücke, it is a German NGO which helps people with approval of admission. I hope you will receive an answer soon. If you have further questions or feedback please do not hesitate to ask. Best wishes Yara
Thank you for you advice, Ok I will contact them, I wanted to include that is there any chance that my husband get rejected!? Because he was also former employee with German government but when he applied he got rejected due to his type of contract and lack of evidence to show that he is in danger due to his work experience with german govt. If I ask foreign office or the address you mentioned I wonder they reject adding him as my family memeber. Can you give any info you have telated this issue?
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Yara_Community Manger
Hello @afg.12 , you are very welcome. It is very difficult for me to say how likely it will be that your husband receives approval of admission. This is the decision of the German government. There is a possibility that he will be rejected. If he is rejected, please contact us, and we will see if we can find another solution. Best wishes
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Yara_Community Manger
Hello @afg.12 , I have some additional information. I heard of a case that was successful where the immediate family member was later added to receive approval of admission. It is important that you also include your case/file number and marriage certificate in the e-mail. You can also contact this e-mail: if you do not receive a response from the other contacts. Best wishes
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Yara_Community Manger
Hello @afg.12 , did you receive any feedback or updates about your husband coming to Germany? If you need further information please do not hesitate to contact us
It was eery kind of you, very good advice, hope to find her way. So, i contacted the email address, on 31 August, after one month , no reply, i founf the second email address and try it, hope to get any answer.
no answer yet
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  • Funded by the Federal Ministry of the Interior and Homeland Logo
  • Funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Migration, Refugees and Integration and the Federal Government Commissioner for Anti-Racism Logo
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