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Health insurance for family reunification Blue Card

Dear all, I have a German blue card and work as a statutory employee. My health insurance covers my son. However, I don't know how to provide insurance for my mother. My mother is a non EU immigrant, but she has a residence permit in Portugal (as do I). To request family reunification I need private health insurance. However, my mother is over 60 years old, and she is a retired civil servant from non EU country. First, I don't know which category my mother falls into (unemployed, long-term visitor?) to request the plan. Second, I don't understand the 60-year cutoff. Third, I have the possibility of obtaining a global health plan (Cigna Health), however, I need to know what conditions, according to German law, the plan must cover. Are you aware of this law? Thank you very much for your support.


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Dear @politicalsciencebr   thank you for reaching out to us.

 In general, your mother will need to be covered by health insurance in Germany. In order to find out what category she falls under I would suggest contacting your chosen health care provider you will choose.
Regarding your second question I am not sure what you mean exactly by the What do you mean the 60-year cut-off-, you mean for public health insurance? Unfortunately, it is the case that in general if one is over a certain age and has not contributed to the public health insurance then it is often not possible to enter in to the public health insurance sector. Unfortunately, the older you get the more expensive private health insurance becomes.
Finally, unfortunately, I am not aware of the law. Maybe others on the platform can have some ideas about this?

We also have some additional information on health insurance system in Germany for those interested

If you have further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Best wishes

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  • Funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Migration, Refugees and Integration and the Federal Government Commissioner for Anti-Racism Logo
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