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Housing Support

Hey guys, I'm currently in the process of trying to move to the outskirts of Berlin. I'm living in a temporary living situation with my gf (German). 

I'm a self-employed person with low income, and will need the job center to support me in paying for my rent. I've been told by my current job center that that is possible. But the process is very confusing to me. 

So I need to first find an apartment, then get approved, then apply to the job centre. The problem I have is that I am not currently registered as living in Berlin, I'm in a different Northern German city right now. So I don't know how it's possible for me to apply at the Berlin job center... 

Also it's hard for me to believe that I can get approved for a flat without proof of income. Does anyone have any ideas on this? I'm in a pretty desperate situation. 


Reply (3)

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Hi @tMaster , thank you for reaching out to us. Indeed dealing with the JobCenter can be quite confusing and stressful. Before the job center in Berlin can help you, you will have to register in Berlin. We have some general information about the JobCenter here: In Berlin this organisation can help you with any questions and issues you face with the JobCenter In order to find cheap housing with little income, you can apply for a so called “Wohnberechtigungschein” WBS. This will entitle you to rent from social housing. You can read more information here: The housing market in Berlin, even on the outskirts, is quite strained. So it might take a while to look for a place. Since it can be a lot to deal with a move, German bureaucracy and the JobCenter I suggest that you receive advice if needed. If you let me know what city, you live in I can look for an advice centre near you. I hope your move will go smoothly. If you have any further questions do not hesitate to ask me on the platform. I am always happy to help. Best wishes Yara
Thanks for your reply Yara... yes it's a lot to deal with, I've been in Germany 5 years, but this is the most overwhelmed I've ever been. I'm currently in Eydelstedt, 49406 ... if you have any guidance on where to seek advice that would be helpful. The JobCenter (in Diepholz) has been extremely unhelpful so far. Many thanks, Tanya
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Hi @tMaster , of course I am always happy to help. I can only imagine how stressful this can be, especially dealing with the JobCenter, many find them to be adding to the stress rather than providing help. I think a good place to start would be to contact the Diakonie in Diepholtz. They help those that find themselves in difficult social and financial situations. I think they can help you further. Hopefully they will be able to find solutions with you and make your move to Berlin less stressful. You can find their contacts here:… I think this can be a good starting point. Please let me know if you find them helpful or not and if you would prefer an advisor that can also speak English. Best wishes Yara
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