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How can i bring my family to Germany ?

Hello Dear 

I have been granted refugees status, mean i have positive response and granted three year political acceptance. how can i bring my family to Germany ? Could you please help me to answer my question with detail.

Best Regards.


Reply (2)

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Hello @khost787 ,  thank you for reaching out to us. I am glad to hear that you received a protections status.

Recognised refugees, “resettlement refugees” and persons entitled to asylum can apply for the so-called "privileged family reunification" ("privilegierten Familiennachzug). That means your family can join you in Germany under easier requirements: For instance, as a recognised refugee or person entitled to asylum, you do not have to prove that you earn enough money to support your family. Likewise, you do not have to verify that your flat is big enough to accommodate your family members, etc. Important: To benefit from the "privileged family reunification", you have to submit the application for family reunification within three months of your recognition as a refugee/person entitled to asylum in Germany. If you do not apply until later, the same requirements apply to you as the usual family reunification.

You can read in detail how the process of family reunification works here:
Please already reach out to a migration counselling center to help you with the process. If you let me know in what city you are in, I can help you look for one.

If you have any further questions, please let us know.
Warm wishes




I have the same refuge status and I have work permit and resident permit valid for three years. After received my asylum approval on January 2024 I have applied for family reunion through Caritas and submitted my application for family reunion but I didn't receive positive response about interview appointment. 

Could you please tell me How can I receive earlier interview appointment for family reunion because my daughter has been suffering from Thalassemia major illness and she has serious health condition , she needs and gets monthly blood transfusion and medicines, is there any way to receive help about earlier interview appointment? Thanks 

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  • Funded by the Federal Ministry of the Interior and Homeland Logo
  • Funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Migration, Refugees and Integration and the Federal Government Commissioner for Anti-Racism Logo
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  • International Rescue Committee Logo