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Family Reunification

How to get an appointment for my family in German embassy in Islamabad Pakistan?

Hello sir, I am moqim Rashidi from Afghanistan I came to Germany in 2018 I got 3years passport and I registered my wife and my kids in Islamabad embassy in 18,2,2021 but unfortunately still I couldn't get an appointment. my question is to find out why they don't give us appointment and what can I do to tell them that I was an interpreter with NATO forces and after Taliban captured Afghanistan my family are facing a real threat so we need an urgent appointment. Please help me in this regard. Best regards moqim Rashidi. 


Reply (21)

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Yara_Community Manger
Hello @moqimkabul , thank you for your question. Unfortunately, many Afghans in Germany are facing the same issue with very long waiting times. Currently the waiting time for an appointment in Islamabad is between 1.5-2 years sometimes even longer. However, in rare cases if you there is a specific hardship can your wife and kids get an appointment sooner. However, this is quite difficult to prove. I would advise you to seek a specialized counseling center near you. Here you can find the information of counseling from the Flüchtlingsrat in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. Please call them to see if they can arrange an appointment.…… Please note that this service is free of charge. Let us know if they were able to help you. I hope that you can soon reunite with your wife and children Best wishes Yara
Thanks miss Yara for your information
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Yara_Community Manger
@moqimkabul You are very welcome
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Yara_Community Manger
You can also try and contact the Refugee Law clinic in you area. To see if they are able to help you: Best wishes
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Yara_Community Manger
Hello @moqimkabul , I hope you are doing well. Were you able to receive advice?
Hello Yara, i couldn't understand you. which Advice? Have you heard anything new regarding Termin in Islamabad embassy?
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Yara_Community Manger
Hi @moqimkabul , sorry let me clarify. I meant if you were able to contact the refugee law clinic for advice? They are located in Greifswald, close to you. No unfortunately, I don't have any further information about appointments in Islamabad, but maybe they are able to help you get an appointment sooner through the hardship clause. Best wishes Yara
Hi Yara , i called Flüchtlingsrat they said they can't help but they gave me a number from ministry of foreign affairs i called there i received the same negative answer.
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Yara_Community Manger
I am sorry to hear that. Many Afghans are waiting for family reunification and it is taking a very long time. Apparently, there is not enough staff to work on all the applications, that is why it is taking so long.
Hello Yara, hope you are well. I have a question . Can you please find out that if my family get an appointment in Pakistan embassy then how long it takes until they provide Visas for them ? Best regards. Moqim
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Yara_Community Manger
Hello @moqimkabul , I cannot tell you for sure. But if all the papers are correct and you have had your appointment then it should take between 3-4 months. It might take longer in Islamabad because of so many requests. Best wishes Yara
Hello miss Yara, hope you are well. my brother-in-law in Afghanistan had registered his family at Kabulluftbrueck to come to Germany so now he received an email asking him to submit his passport and documents but we are not sure the email is correct or fake. Can you please check out if this email is correct or not. Best wishes. Moqim
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Yara_Community Manger
Hello @moqimkabul , sorry for the late reply. I was away all of January. Yes this is the correct e-mail. Bes wishes
Hello miss Yara, hope you are well. I still couldn't get any appointment from German embassy in Pakistan. I registered my wife there at Feb 2021 and i was told to wait more than one year but now it is almost 2 years we are waiting for an appointment. I don't know who can help us. I haven't seen my family for 6years. Now they are facing many problems in Afghanistan my wife is alone and women are not allowed to work and come out of home. Please find out a solution or someone to hear our voice. Iam confused I lost the way please help us. Best wishes. Moqim Rashidi
Hi Yara , have you received my message?
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Yara_Community Manger
Hello @moqimkabul . I am sorry for the late reply. I was away in January. I am sorry to hear that the process is taking so long. We receive many questions about this and it is almost impossible to get information from the embassies. They are notoriously understaffed and it's really a shame that Germany is not doing more to speed up the process. It is affecting so many families and their lives. I can just encourage you to keep your hopes up that your wife will soon receive an appointment. I think I again would try and recommend going for legal advice and see if they can help you speed up the process. Sometimes a so called "untätigkeitsklage" can help. For this process you need to closely consult with a lawyer if this makes sense. I hope you and your family will be reunited soon! Please keep up the hope. Best wishes Yara
Hi , thanks for your reply and wishes. yesterday I called IOM in Berlin they said we will receive Termin in June or July. Best wishes. Moqim
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Yara_Community Manger
Hi @moqimkabul , that's great news!
Hello Yara, i still didn't receive any answer or termin from Islamabad embassy. This is the third year we are waiting for an appointment. can you please help us. I haven't seen my kids for 6 years.
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Yara_Community Manger
Hi @moqimkabul , I am sorry to hear that. I think you mentioned that you contacted IOM in Berlin and they said that your family will receive an appointment in June or July. I hope that this will be the case. As far as I know the embassies do not respond to questions about the duration of the process. Most of the times the embassies do not know how long the process will take because they send the information to other offices to double check and confirm. Therefore, you will probably not receive a response about your question from the German embassy in Islamabad. But I hope that your family will receive an appointment in June or July this year. I am sorry I wish I could give you a more positive response. It is a shame that the German embassy in Islamabad is so slow, it results in many families waiting without knowing when they will get a response. I hope your family will receive an appointment as soon as possible. Best wishes Yara
Thank you Yara .
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