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How to get child benefit for my particular case

Hi my name is Akash. I live in Berlin Mitte and Czech Republic (I am travelling because of work ). I have a child with Czech partner and baby was born in Czech Republic. Am I entitled for kindergeld? We are not married  and I pay my taxes in Germany. I tried online to find a form but was not able to find any. Could you please help me


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Hi @AkashGKrishnan , Thank you for posting your question in our forum. In general, child benefit is available to EU residents who have children living with them, whether in their own country or in another EU country. However, it is not possible to receive child benefit from two countries. Which country you receive child benefit from depends on your individual situation, employment, pension or residence: (unfortunately only in German). Therefore, I recommend you to contact directly the Familienkasse responsible for your area in Germany: They will be able to give you detailed information.If you are eligible to receive Child Benefit, here is all you need to know about applying:… We have also gathered a lot of information about child benefit on our website: I hope this information is useful for you. If you have any further questions, please let me know. Best Barbara
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