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I want to live in Germany

I live in kabul Afghanistan i am 16years old i graduated from high school last year.

I have cerebral ataxia (neurology problem) and i have so much problem with living in Afghanistan specially with this terrible disease.

For example i can't go outside of home because people behavior and taliban (Afghanistan government) is so bad and rude because in taliban vision disabilities or disease like disabilities is a punishment of allah(god) because of their parents sins they did. And because of this i can't go outdoor ..i don't have access to medical care because Afghanistan system of health care is very weak or i can't find some medication in Afghanistan and i can't go to foreign countries for treatment because all countries embassies is closed for afghanistan and also we are poor family and can't afford to go outside afghanistan.

So i kindly request to please help me to come out of Afghanistan. And find a cure for my disease 

Please help me ? ? 






Reply (1)

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Yara_Community Manager
Hello @samirnoori559 , thank you for reaching out to us. We're sorry, but we can't answer your question any further. Unfortunately, our forum is not open to minors. There are organizations like Handicap International, which also still operate in Afghanistan who might be able to provide services to you. Please also check out our Afghanistan page for further information: We are sorry we cannot further assist you. Best wishes
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  • Funded by the Federal Ministry of the Interior and Homeland Logo
  • Funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Migration, Refugees and Integration and the Federal Government Commissioner for Anti-Racism Logo
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