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Hello Sir/Madam 

my name is Drnas Murad im form Iraq I'm former United Nations Employer based in Iraq . one

week after war started in Ukraine i was assigned to go to Ukraine and support United Nation Ukraine office as surge mission worked as shuttle Service and logistics Transport for almost 4 months, after that i came back to Iraq and I've received threatened by non-knowing individual peoples the reason because i was helped Ukraine country and they did not like Ukraine I've send many emails to my organizations but no one response , so my question is  can i apply in Iraq for immigrate visa to Germany, because iraq still danger for me and i can prove everything .

thank you 

Best Regards 



Reply (1)

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 Hello @DrnasMurad  , I am sorry to hear that you are being threatened in Iraq. We are an online information forum and we can only provide you with initial information. If you want to get a work permit in Germany, you need to be considered a skilled worker: If your degree/qualification is already recognized, you need to apply for jobs: 
Once you have a contract/job offer, you can apply for a work visa at your local German embassy. If you are a professional driver, you can apply for a professional driver visa, please check if this is a good option for you:… Finally, I would like to share with you ALL THE DIFFERENT VISA TYPES and their requirements: This is a quick way to review your options: If you have any further questions, please let us know. You can also ask for advice on the forum, i.e. see if others have had similar questions or issues and post your questions below + tag the person (with @). Best Barbara 





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