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Family Reunification

Lawyer verification

Hello everyone my name is Hamid I have questions about family reunion case . I submitted all my documents in Islamabad in March but still am waiting . My question is should I wait there is there any lawyer verification for afghan citizens in Pakistan .  If anyone knows anything about family reunion case in Pakistan for Afghan citizens please help thank you 



Reply (4)

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Yara_Community Manger
Hello @hamidabid , Thank you for your question. I am sorry to hear that you have not heard back from the embassy, I can imagine that this is very frustrating. Unfortunately, the family reunion process can take a very long time, sometimes up to 2 years for Afghans. This is because there is not enough staff to process the applications. Did you already get an appointment for the personal interview at the embassy in Islamabad? Could you also please specify what you mean by lawyer verification, so I have a better idea what you are looking for. You can also read our Afghanistan page for more information, we have included important information on the family reunion process for Afghans: If you have further questions, please let me know. Best wishes Yara
Hello madam . Yes I already interviewed in German embassy Islamabad but still am waiting. I don't know know what what's the next step is anyone coming to my home to verify my documents. Because u may feel that am in Bad situation in here . I can't go to Kabul and I can't be here . So if u can help and show me the Way to take . Thank you so much
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Yara_Community Manger
Hello @hamidabid , thank you for your response. I would suggest that you family member, that you are joining in Germany, can contact an advice center. At the advice center they can look at the situation and discuss the best options to help you, possibly also legal help. That family member is welcome to come on the platform and we can refer her to advice centers that help in cases of family reunification for Afghans. You can also refer them to the Yaar e.V initiative, they are in Berlin and support Afghans. Please also note that currently the federal admission program for Afghans and local staff is currently on a temporary hold. Best wishes Yara
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Yara_Community Manger
Hello @hamidabid , I hope you are well. Were you able to receive an answer from the embassy? Was you family member in Germany able to contact an advice center? If you let me know where they stay I can search for free initial legal advice for them. It is important to go in person so they can see all the documents and help you further. Best wishes Yara
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