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Shafi ullah

Need help in health


I am a disabled person i lost my leg in a accident and my arm also. now my arm workless and have no left is this org will help in this case?


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Yara_Community Manger
hello @Shafi ullah thank you for reaching out to us. We have information on how the state supports people with disabilities on our Handbook Germany page, where we list the support you can receive: 
 You will need to apply for a so called “Disability Card”. 
Organisations such as MINA can help you with the application procedure. 
 In case you are an asylum seeker in Germany then you can also read more information on your rights here: 

I hope this information was useful. Please let me know where in Germany you are, that way I can look for a counselling centre near you. 

Best wishes
A project by:
  • medienmacher
  • Funded by the European Union Logo
  • Funded by the Federal Ministry of the Interior and Homeland Logo
  • Funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Migration, Refugees and Integration and the Federal Government Commissioner for Anti-Racism Logo
Funded by:
  • International Rescue Committee Logo