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Need to know how to join my family in germany

Dear sir / madam

Hope you are doing well , My name is mohmmad and I want to know how to join my family in Germany  , my family went to Germany in 2022 in base of my mother case because she was a woman rights, businesswoman,  and had a lots of activities in different fields in Afghanistan like she had licence of NGO and logistic company and constructions  company since 2004 and I am deputy of her constructions  company but when her case is accepted  my family list made by mother that all of my family was involved,  my mother , 3 brother and 2 sister , but all of my family went to Germany  just me and my one brother reminded  to kabul now unfortunately  now situation is to bad because of our activities that we had with my mother's  , and I want to join my family please let us know which way we should use .



Reply (2)

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Dear Mohammad, we are currently receiving a large influx of messages and will provide a more detailed response in the coming days. First of all, some more general information that may help.… Best wishes, My
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Hello @Mohmmad__Shafi thank you for the description of your current situation. As far as I understand it correctly, your family has been approved and left through the Federal Program, due to your mother's NGO. If you are still in Afghanistan and can be connected to your mother's NGO, your mother's NGO may also report you as a person at risk. This page describes the Federal Reception Program in more detail. Please note that the federal program is currently on pause. As soon as the program continues, we will update this on the Handbook Germany website. If you need more help, you can have a look at the website from Beporsed or UNHCR.
A project by:
  • medienmacher
  • Funded by the European Union Logo
  • Funded by the Federal Ministry of the Interior and Homeland Logo
  • Funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Migration, Refugees and Integration and the Federal Government Commissioner for Anti-Racism Logo
Funded by:
  • International Rescue Committee Logo