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Pet allow

Good afternoon. Please I've question related to the pet ?. If refugee arrive to Germany with pet. Does they allow him to keep him at reception center/ camp. Or what's the situation. Thanks in advance ?


Reply (6)

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Morning @h.anjaparidze in the European Union (EU), animal health provisions are in place to protect against rabies and apply to dogs, cats and ferrets brought into the EU from third countries (Ukraine). Refugees bringing animals of the above-mentioned species with them are required to register with the relevant veterinary authorities. If you are here in Berlin for example, these are the veterinary and food inspection departments of the city districts (VetLeb). You can reach the Berlin veterinary offices via the Berlin Service Portal. Are you living in Berlin? Please fill out the form declaring the entry of pet animals pursuant to Regulation (EU) No 576/2013 (PDF) and send it by post or scanned/photographed by email to the veterinary office in the district in which your accommodation is located. Accommodation for pets and refugees with pets The animal welfare organisation Tasso e.V. has set up the platform to help refugees with animals find suitable accommodation. The platform offers temporary accommodation for refugees and their pets or temporary accommodation for pets only. Accommodation is located mainly in Germany. Regards Sophie
Thank you so much for your help
Tasso mentioned they help Ukrainian to find temporary place for Ukrainian refugees with pets. I'm don't Ukrainian. I ask if the authority allow asylum seeker to keep his pet at the refugees center ?
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Hi @h.anjaparidze , apologies for the late reply. You can ask if they also help refugees with pets that are not fleeing the war from Ukraine. It is a shame that some of the assistance is limited to refugees fleeing from Ukraine and not extended to all refugees. Unfortunately, to my knowledge in most refugee reception centers pets are not allowed. However, this likely depends on the policy of the local refugee camp. As my colleague mentioned your pet has to be approved to come to Germany i.e. they will need to have all their vaccines. I hope this information was useful. If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to ask. Best wishes Yara
@Yara__Community_Manager thank you so much for your support.
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@h.anjaparidze you are very welcome. Was the information we provided useful? Best wishes Yara
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  • Funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Migration, Refugees and Integration and the Federal Government Commissioner for Anti-Racism Logo
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