Procedure of family reunification
Dear Sir,
I have resedence permit in Germany along with my family and am living here since 10 years. My brother were working with foreigns (NATO and International living camps of foreigns) there. Since my brother and his sons were living at Afghanistan and after coming of Taliban, he left the country along with his family members and went to third country due to security risk to him and his family. I submit application here in Germany for saving their lives and bring them to Germany. Now they have been recieved appointment from VFS in third country for submission of visa application. The problem is that only the parents have passports and their children dont have it. Else all of you know the issue of passport in afghanistan that it is not possible to get the passport easily. Can anyone guide me, what should they do? How they submit the visa application without passport? Which documents they need to submit?
Reply (6)
Hi @Asadullah Khan ,
I wanted to check in on you. Have you received a migration counselling? We're curious to know how it went and if you have any updates about your brother's family.
Best wishes