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Family Reunification

Process for bring a husband

A single girl entered Germany under article 22 and has been granted her a 3-year German residence permit. She is with Job Center and learn the language courses, but she gets engaged with a boy from another country, not her own country. They have official marriage certificate as well and wants her potential husband to unite with her in Germany. What are the process and the requirements to bring him to Germany and how long it will take? 


Reply (2)

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Yara_Community Manger
Hello @HF , thank you for reaching out to us. A family reunification with article §22 residency permit is possible under hardship circumstances and only for the spouse and underage children. The requirements include, among other things, that the person in Germany must have proof of livelihood meaning enough income. They cannot receive benefits from the Job Centre. The spouse coming to Germany needs proof of A1 German level. On our Handbook Germany page, we have listed a comprehensive list of requirements.… . It is not so clear from your question whether they are officially married or engaged. If they are not married yet, she cannot bring her finance via family reunification. Please also note, if she marries after arriving in Germany, she must have had a residence permit for at least 2 years to bring her spouse to Germany. . The family reunification process can take quite a long time. Depending on the capacities of the local immigration office and the respective German consulate or embassy it can take between a couple of months and even years. I would suggest that she discusses the option to bring her fiancé/spouse to Germany with a migration counselling centre. Or with a specialized centre for binational partnerships. The association for binational families and partnerships can help with these questions, you can reach them here: One can also search for a migration counselling centre using the BAMF Navi: Please let me know if you have any further questions. Best wishes
Hello Almunaizel, Thank you very much for the your useful information and guidance. A clarification: the girl has 3-year residence permit. She is a recognized refugee. She still studies, but not works. She got engaged after arrival in Germany, but has official marriage certificate. Few more questions: I was told if the spouse bear his travel costs and the cost of his stay at least for 6 months, she can bring her souse, but he should provide bank statement and A1 certificate. Is it true or otherwise? Best regards and thank you in advance.
A project by:
  • medienmacher
  • Funded by the European Union Logo
  • Funded by the Federal Ministry of the Interior and Homeland Logo
  • Funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Migration, Refugees and Integration and the Federal Government Commissioner for Anti-Racism Logo
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  • International Rescue Committee Logo