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Students Asylum

Can I apply for asylum in Germany if I am an Afghan student with a study visa (Aufenthaltstitel) that doesn't permit me to work while studying languages? If my asylum application is rejected, can I still stay in Germany on my original study visa to continue my studies?


Reply (2)

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Hello @Jaykhan , thank you for reaching out to us. In general, you can always apply for asylum in Germany, also if you hold a study visa. There are different types of rejections of the asylum procedure, therefore, unfortunately, I cannot answer your question regarding what will happen if your asylum procedure is rejected. That depends on the rejection one would receive. More information on the asylum procedure decision can be found here: Many Afghan receive a so called national ban on deportation, see also the statistics here:… 95% of court cases where Afghans fight for a protection status or a better protection status are successful. Many Afghans have to go to court to receive a full protection status. It is always important to consult a migration lawyer before considering court. . It is very important that you receive counselling on the possibilities of your asylum procedure before applying. This is called “Asylverfahrensberatung” or asylum procedure consultation. It is important to seek out this advice before applying. Especially if you already hold a residence permit, to see if there are alternatives to applying for asylum for you. If you let me know where in Germany you are I can look for an advice centre near you. In Berlin, for example, you can contact the BBZ for asylum procedure advice Please let me know if you have any further questions, I am always happy to help. Can I also kindly ask you to change your name or shorten it. This is because we would like to protect the privacy of our community members and do not allow full names to be displayed in the public forum. Thank you so much for understanding. Best wishes
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Hello @Jaykhan , I just wanted to follow up to see if you need any further support. Were you able to reach out to a counseling center regarding your question about applying for asylum?
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  • Funded by the Federal Ministry of the Interior and Homeland Logo
  • Funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Migration, Refugees and Integration and the Federal Government Commissioner for Anti-Racism Logo
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