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visa application submited and just found myself pregnent.

Hi there,

my husband lives in Germany and has subsidary protection.8 months ago i submitted my application(familiy reunion Visa) for an appointment in german Embassy in Tehran. and i just found myself pragnent. so, getting an appointment take about two years and i am on wiating list. when i get the appointment, do i allow to take my baby to interview to embassy? the time which i made entry for waiting list, of cours, nothing mentioned for my pregnancy.

any guidence would be appreciated.



Reply (3)

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Hi @Harer , thank you for you for contacting us. 

I still need to do some more research and will get back to you as soon as possible. 
Thank you for your patience. 
Best wishes 

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Hi @Harer
I am sorry for the longer waiting time.  

I have some more information regarding your question. 

In general, your child will need its own visa, but it's not really possible to already apply because your child is not born yet. 
Therefore I would recommend two things.
1. To also book an appointment for the child. 
2. I would recommend to also contact a lawyer or counseling center in Germany. Are you already in touch with a lawyer? We can unfortunately, not give legal advice. Please note that this will cost money if you hire a lawyer. 

It would be advisable that the lawyer will contact the German embassy in Tehran and with the so called Maternity passport inform the embassy about the pregnancy and also book an appointment for the child. 

You can find a Lawyer by searching the official Register of Lawyers linked below. 
Please make sure to insert "Migrationsrecht" 

In general, the waiting time as you mentioned is quite long. While you are waiting for the visa approval it is helpful for you to learn German if you have the time or look into getting your school or university qualification accepted in Germany. It is also helpful for the family reunification process if your husband in Germany has an income. 

Here is a general guide of how to search for a lawyer by the Life initiative 
and general information about the family reunification process for refugees

If you have any further questions, please let me know. 
Would love to hear your feedback or if you encounter any further problems. 
This is also helpful for other community members. 

Best wishes 


thank you for the information.

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