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Hello Everybody,

I just have a question about the Father of my child. Me and her Father are not married but we have Vaterschaft and Sorgeerklärung. My daughter got her Aufent. thru me so its nach Auft. 33. Her father is Bosnian and he wanted to stay with us to take care of his child and help me. He dont work anymore and i will provide us in a moment while he is not yet working. My Salary is i think enough. What are the chances that he can get Visum through his child? Thank you


Reply (3)

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Hello, thank you for reaching out.

I have a couple of follow up questions, to answer your question better. Was you child born in Germany? And is your husband currently in Germany?
Best wishes


were not yet married. Yes our daughter was born here in Germany but she has Auf. nach 33. He is currently in his homeland to process visa. Im the one whose going to provide everything for us in the moment.Im working fulltime dont receiving anything social. Idk if Wohnung is also consideration but i just have 45m² apartment and idk if my salary can cover us i just have net 2700- 2800 monthly?? . 

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Hi @Jjav06 , apologies for the late reply. 

Could I also ask what is your current residence title? Unfortunately, through the residence title of the you child (§33) the father, can not travel to Germany. 
Another option could be for the father to come to Germany through a job in Germany. For example if the Father has a professional qualification he can apply. 
If marriage is an option than this would also likely speed the process up. He could come through family reunification. Unfortunately, only spouses and underage children can generally can apply for family reunification. 

The apartment size seems fine,general rule is that you need 12m² per each person aged 6 and over. For children under 6 years old, 10m² is enough. Babies, up to 2 years of age, are not counted. In exceptional cases, a flat can be somewhat smaller. Please note: The required size may vary depending on the federal state. As a rule, it is 12m² sometimes 9m² can also be sufficient.
There are also more exceptions if you have a work related residence title and hold a senior position. 
I can unfortunately not tell you if your salary is enough, this also depends on the amount of rent you pay and where you live. General rule is that you need to cover rent, insurance and the minimum for livelihood which is at the moment around 560euros (This amount is less for children depending on their age) For you, your child and your husband. 

Please have a look at all the requirements for family reunification here:

If you let me know what residence you have I can try and give you more details. 

Best wishes 

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  • Funded by the Federal Ministry of the Interior and Homeland Logo
  • Funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Migration, Refugees and Integration and the Federal Government Commissioner for Anti-Racism Logo
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