The Jobcenter has been asking me for my Betriebs- und Heizkostenabrechnung 2022 and 2023. I have been asking for them to my landlord for a few months now. And he to the Hausverwaltung. I got a...
Hello, I have a question about the part of a work contract that i am considering to sign. This part is written under „Other benefits“ section. – The employer does not currently maintain an employer...
Hi dear friend, I have a quick question regarding my submission to the Jobcenter. I sent additional documents they required on September 3rd, and it's now been three weeks without any response. What...
Hi, I am unemployed for over a year and I would like to attend a bBootcamp with a Bildungsgutschein. I have an appointment next week but the course starts five days later my appointment at Arbeitsamt...
Hey guys, I applied to receive Bürgergeld but it was rejected even with all documents and I am being completely inside everything they ask for. Someone knows how can I get a revision of my case or...