Network partners

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Update 06.06.2024

Free, independent and confidential

AWO Migrationsberatung

AWO is one of the largest independent welfare associations active in various areas of social work in Germany.

Focus: The AWO Migration Counselling Service and its experts support newcomers in Germany by providing answers to their questions on residence, health, housing, finances, dealing with authorities, learning German, school and work, marriage, family and raising children.

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Berlin Counselling Centre for Migration and Good Employment (BEMA Berlin)

The Berlin Counselling Centre for Migration and Labour Rights BEMA supports migrant workers in precarious work situations, provides labour law counselling services, and tries to prevent unwanted legal violations. The offer applies to Berlin residents.

Focus: BEMA supports newcomers from Ukraine by providing practical information on how to find good and fair working conditions in Germany. They answer questions on work-related topics such as employment contracts, salaries, seasonal work, mini-jobs and maternity leave.

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Einstieg zum Aufstieg gGmbH (VBKI)

Einstieg zum Aufstieg gGmbH is a non-profit initiative that connects people with refugee experience and companies in the greater Berlin area.

Focus: Their goal is to give refugees in Berlin a perspective for the future and to offer them the opportunity to lead a self-determined life. They connect people who are looking for work with interested companies in Berlin.

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Faire Integration Berlin-Brandenburg und Schleswig-Holstein

The Fair Integration project advocates for the employee rights of refugees and migrants from non-EU countries and is supported by the DGB, one of the largest unions in Germany.

Focus: They provide counselling in the federal states of Berlin-Brandenburg and Schleswig-Holstein on work-related questions, such as working hours, termination of contract, subcontracted employment, wages, holidays, and much more.

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Gladt e.V

Gladt e.V. is a self-organisation of black and PoC LGBTQ+ in Berlin that campaigns against racism, sexism, transphobia and homophobia, ableism and other forms of discrimination.

Focus: They support LGBTQ+ people affected by different forms of discrimination by answering questions about asylum and migration, coming out, family, religion, and health and offer counselling for trans* and inter* individuals.

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Intez e.V.

Intez e.V. supports those whose BAföG applications were rejected because they have studied abroad. Offices often do not adhere to court rulings.

Focus: They advise and support students and prospective students who have studied abroad before, and as a result, their application for BAföG has been rejected. They can also help you receive BAföG by submitting an objection or lawsuit.

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The Regional Integration Network IQ NRW-West

The Integration Network IQ NRW-West provides digital counselling on recognition and qualifications in NRW via a web app.

Focus: The IQ Network supports people on topics such as recognition and qualification. It answers questions such as whether qualifications are recognised and what requirements must be met to be recognised as a skilled worker in Germany.

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Match Talent Initiative

The “Match Talent Initiative” by Lingoda and Kiron offers intercultural qualification and language programmes. It cooperates with education providers, particularly in shortage occupational fields such as IT, project management and human resources.

Focus: The Match Talent Initiative aims to support immigrants in their career choices and facilitate their entry into the job market in Germany.

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Mobi Job

The mobile job counselling for refugees is offered by JobPoint Berlin and supported by the Senate Department for Integration, Labour and Social Affairs. The sponsor is GesBiT GmbH for education and participation.

Focus: Mobi Job offers counselling to people in Berlin who want to enter the job market and answers questions on application writing, vocational training and job hunting.

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Migrafrica gGmbH

The project “Let's Go - Migrantinnen fit für die Arbeitswelt" is aimed at underqualified women with a history of migration who live in Cologne with a residence permit and do not have a recognised professional or academic qualification in Germany. The project offers counselling, support and workshops for the target group.

Focus: Support for labour market integration and business start-ups for migrant, underqualified women.

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Start with a Friend e.V.

The mentoring programme Start with a Friend e.V. (SwaF for short) advocates for an equal society. Exchange and engagement strengthen cohesion between people with and without an immigration background and promote democracy.

Focus: SwaF connects people of different backgrounds and experiences in tandem and provides information about community events, educational offers and joint activities.

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Turkish Association Berlin Brandenburg (TBB)

The Turkish Association in Berlin-Brandenburg e.V. is a non-partisan umbrella organisation of organisations and individuals. Through its project “My Family,” it offers counselling in Berlin and organises events for the community.

Focus: TBB's “My Family” project answers questions on migration, LGBTQIA+ and discrimination issues.

More information: Meine Familie (TBB)

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