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Die ePA ist eine digitale Akte der Krankenkassen für ihre Versicherten. Sie enthält medizinische Daten und kann zwischen verschiedenen Einrichtungen ausgetauscht werden.
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Is it true that everyone must have health insurance in Germany? What types of health insurance are there to choose from, and which best suits me? Which medical costs are covered by health insurance?
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How can I benefit from Nursing Care insurance ("Pflegekasse")? How can I find a suitable nursing service or nursing home ("Pflegeheim")?
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Am I entitled to medical care as an asylum seeker or someone with a "Duldung"? Where and how can I get help in acute cases or emergencies if I don't have papers?
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What is trauma? Where can I seek support when I am suffering from mental health issues?
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What do I need to know about emergency services in Germany? How can I contact police or fire department? What are the information I need to provide the operator when I call? Should I personally try to...