Uploaded my documents
Dear All
I hope this message finds you well.
I submitted my empolayment documents on August 21, 2023, to the coordination office of civil society Germany (https://www.haagermany.help/dialog/index.html?t=44af6y8exnvqkbwb56y0gehli1hqx44i). Since that time, I have not received any updates regarding my case.
could you please let me know where should I contact to ask regarding my case status.
Thank you.
Hello @IsrarMujeeb ,
thank you for reaching out to us. Unfortunately, the cases are no longer being processed, as far as we know. Only those with approval of admission are being processed.
I am sorry to not be able to give you any better news.
In general, one was only informed if the application was successful.
There is the following website which offers some resources for Afghans, maybe this is helpful for you.
Best wishes