I am P. S.and I was working with UN in Balkh province of Afghanistan. I need your support.
The situation in Afghanistan is terrible, we need to get out of Afghanistan as soon as possible.
1. Full Name
2. Date of Birth (
3. I worked with (DAI/WIE) Women in the Economic.
4. I worked as a Project implementation clerk from 02 october 2018 to 30 june 2019.
5. I was intern.
Hope you are fine my same information .
6: Other Job title or position:
Male and Female Focal Point COIVD19 in IMC.
8: Contract/Job Start date: 07 September 2020
9: Contract/Job end date: 26 January 2021.
Reply (1)
Hello @palwashasidiqi ,
thank you for reaching out. I have removed some of your personal info from your question, can I also kindly ask you to take down your full name and choose another username?
We want to protect the privacy of our users, since this forum is public.
Unfortunately, we are not able to help you with leaving Afghanistan. We have the following information for those who are in Afghanistan: https://handbookgermany.de/de/afghanistan-info
Best wishes