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About turkish nursing degree equivalence in germany


I have question about equivalence of turkish nursing bachelor degree. 

I have a question about a specific document required by the germany authorities to start work as nurse in germany 

"Nursing licence,or registration "

In turkey they don't have such document because all graduates from turkish universities are registered with ministry of health and they stamp at the back of degree.


Any answers please ?


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Welcome to our forum and thank you for your question, @Sami48  
Your research is correct. In certain professions, so-called regulated professions, you need an additional recognition in Germany. This applies to doctors, nurses, teachers, etc.First of all, you need to check whether your Bachelor’s degree is equivalent to a German degree. You can check this in the anabin database. Unfortunately, the website is only available in German. It is important that your university is marked as H+ and that your degree is equivalent (entspricht) to a German degree study. Here you can find out more about the recognition of foreign degrees.
If your university and your degree are listed as recognized, you can then apply for your license. Unfortunately, this is a different authority in each federal state. If you tell me where you would like to apply, I will be happy to help you find the right place. I can also search for your Bachelor’s degree on anabin, if you need support. Therefore, please tell me the exact name of your university and your Bachelor’s degree and in which city you studied.
There are also counseling centers, like IQ network, which can help you, in case you will need to apply for a recognition process. Maybe @Ursula_IQ_NRW_Anerkennungsberatung or @Beate_IQ_NRW_West have more ideas or something to add.

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