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About work permit for trainee kitchen helper position


I don't have experience and qualifications in kitchen helper. If the recruiter would like to recruit me to train and do the job . Is it good to apply for visa? Is there any requirements to apply the position of kitchen helper ? Do i need experience? I have b1 level in german. And have experience in tourism sector. 

Thank you 


Reply (15)

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Hello @DinethraFer13 , thank you for your questions. In general you can receive a visa tied to a specific purpose in Germany. For example, you can obtain a work visa if you have a qualification that is recognized in Germany, and you have a concrete job offer for a qualified job. A so called “Aushilfearbeit” or helpers’ job is often not considered a qualified job, unless in the field of caretakers. However, if your employer wants provide you with training or a so called “Ausbildung” or Vocational training then you can receive a visa for doing the training. However, usually helpers’ job don’t need vocational training. You can find more information on the Vocational training visa here: You also mentioned that you have experience in the tourism sector. If you have received training and qualification in the sector and it is accepted in Germany and you receive a qualified job offer then you can also apply for a work visa. You can read more on the requirements for a visa for skilled workers here: You can also write to this counseling center if you need help in getting your certificate approved in Germany: I would always be a bit cautious with recruiters. If they ask for money or personal information in exchange for a job interview or visa, please be cautious sometimes this could be a scam. I hope my response answers some of your questions. I am always happy to help if any other questions come up. Best wishes Yara
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Hi @DinethraFer13 , I have some additional information for you. You can also try and get a visa to search for a vocational training or a job: Let me know if this information was useful. Best wishes Yara
Yara if you know about volunteer visa bsd Freiwilligenarbeit, send me some details . My main purpose is learn the language more and get to know the german culture well. I cannot apply for Au-Pair because of the age. That's why i would like to apply work or volunteer visa . In our country there is only b2 level. Further studies we have to go somewhere. And i can't afford the language course visa or student Visa. Is there any other option to go for german to learn language and culture? Let me know . Thank you so much for your service and support.
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@DinethraFer13 Sure, I will do some research and get back to you about the Freiwilligendienstt/Volunteer service. Since I am not working on the weekend you might only get the reply on Monday. Are you currently in Germany? Best wishes Yara
@Yara__Community_Manager no dear im from Sri Lanka and i am a travel agent.
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@DinethraFer13 sure, I can give you more information on the voluntary work visa to Germany. For the federal voluntary service (BFD) there is no age limit. However, to apply you will need to have finished the mandatory education in your home country. Here you can read more on the different types of voluntary service visas and the requirements. The source is from the immigration office in Berlin: this to apply for the residency once you are already in Germany. For the visa you will need proof of a contract with a BFD provider. You will also need a paper confirming that you do not need to know German or that you will learn German during your voluntary service, otherwise you will have to proof that you know basic German. Among other things you will also need proof of health insurance during your time in Germany. I hope this information was useful. Please let me know if you have any further questions. Best wishes Yara
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@DinethraFer13 Here is also more information on the BFD: Best wishes

Hello Yara, I tied checking the national  D visa to find a visa that allows me come to look for vocational training but that option wasn't there 

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Hello @reino , thanks for your question. You can find more information on the visa for seeking vocational training here:  and
also on our Handbook Germany page:

Please let us know if you have further questions.
Best wishes


@Yara__Community_Manager   but what I'd I don't have a vocational  training yet and I want to go look for one,  you said there's a visa for that 

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Hi @reino , yes there is, this visa type is called seeking or looking for vocational training visa, did you manage to open the link I send you? We provide more information there. Please let me know if you have any further questions



@Yara__Community_Manager  yes I've looked through it I'll see if its available in my country,  you said the new age limit is 35 but the embassy page still says 25

Thank you Yara. I will refer these. Best forum ever ??

Is there any visa option though that will not require any German language proof , and I have not university qualification 

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Hello @reino , unfortunately, in order to work in Germany you will need to have a a degree or in your country finished vocational training (duration at least 2 years). Otherwise you are not able to come to Germany with a work visa.

Best wishes

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