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Afghani Burger Shop

Hello Everyone, 


Hope you all are safe and sound. I want to start a Burger shop which serve Afghani Burger in Bonn Zentrum. Would you please help me understand on the following areas,

1_ Though I have work permit and I am allowed to work in Germany, but I just want to know that for starting such a business, do I need to take any license or permission from any Government authority?


2_ How can I get rented space in Bonn Zentrum? Should I talk to Stadt Haus? Which department? Is there known email address?


3_ what are the risky or problematic points here, I mean is there any quality standard which should be maintained, what are the odds ???? 

4_ what are the applicable taxes in such businesses? 


I would be really appreciated if you can comment in details on above mentioned queries. 






Reply (6)

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Dear @hrehan thank you for asking this valuable question! I hope you are doing great as well. Please note that I needed to delete you full name to protect your identity. Starting a Burger Shop sounds very exciting! I will answer your questions according to your numbers: 1.For a start, it is great that you have a work permit. This usually also allows you to start your own business as well. Please note, to start a business like a burger shop, you might need to obtain certain licenses and permissions from the government authorities. -Registration/Application at the local Chamber of Commerce and Industry (IHK) in NRW. An online application is possible through this link but unfortunately, only partially available in english:… Beforehand it is also possible to get a councelling about the necessary registration and permits, e.g. a liquor license etc. They are available from Monday to Friday between 08:00 - 10:00 am via telephone +49 5231/71-3450 or via e-mail: You can find some more contact information here: -With a Burger Shop you will have to meet all the hygiene and food safety regulations. Therefore you will need to take a preparation course ("Belehrung") about the Infection Protection Act or provide a Health Certificate ("Gesundheitszeugnis"). -After you found a suitable place for your restaurant, your space will also be checked, if the spaces meets all the requirements for the type of restaurant you are planning. 2. To find a space in Bonn, you can check out websites, like immobolienscout24, immonet or immowelt. On each website you can use the search mask and enter your prefered zip code and the type you are looking for. Unfortunately, there is no specific e-mail address to contact. Mostly restaurants for rent are not provided from the city itself rather than from private person. 3. Quality standards are crucial in the food industry. The challenges might be your competition, so you could consider a market research, also to know how to attract customers. 4. The tax system in Germany is quite complex. Firstly, it depends on which legal form you will choose. Generally, you need to pay income tax (Einkommenssteuer), sales tax VAT (Umsatzsteuer) and trade tax (Gewerbesteuer). Here it is very advisable to consult an accountant or tax advisor who is specialized in business taxation for the first year. Then you make sure that you registered to each tax department correctly. Those are already a lot of information. Please let me know in case you need more details about a specific topic or support in finding a specific councelling or have any further questions.
Thank you @My__Community_Managerin for sharing all these information, will get back to you if required.
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Happy to help in case you need further support. Good luck with your Burger Restaurant!
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Dear @hrehan may I ask how useful our information was? Please also meet our expert on self-employment and businesses, You might want to add some helpful tipps. Thank you in advance!
Dear @My__Community_Managerin it helped me find my way but i still need alot to do to narrow it down. If i could do it, would love to invite you all :)
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Thank you very much, @hrehan Please get back to us in case you need any further support.
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  • Funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Migration, Refugees and Integration and the Federal Government Commissioner for Anti-Racism Logo
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