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Asylum seeking process

Hello Coordinator;


I took asylum in one of european countries and my child born there .he has got citizenship of that country 

Now i came to Germany because of so many issues on that country ,will i be deported? whom should i ask for help? 


Reply (5)

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Hello @shamaria , thank you for the important question. If you have applied for asylum in another European Union country, then you will likely have a so-called Dublin procedure. You can read all the details about this procedure here: In short, this means that the EU country you have fingerprints in, is responsible for the asylum procedure and Germany can request your return to that EU country. The Dublin III Regulation is quite complicated, however, there are exceptions where people can stay in Germany. For example, if you are seriously ill. Therefore, it is important to seek out specialized help quickly. You can receive help from the refugee councils or refugee law clinics near you. You can search the different councils here: and the refugee law clinics here: If you let me know what city you are in, I would also be glad to help find a counselling centre and/or appointment for you Best wishes
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Hello @shamaria , I have some additional information. Since your child is an EU citizen, there might be a possibility this could to secure your stay in Germany through family reunification. This is something that you would need to discuss with an expert. You can search for a migration counseling center using the BAMF Navi: you can just type in your post code. I can also help you find a suitable counseling center, if you let me know what city you are in. Best wishes Yara
Hi Yara ; Iam in Frankfurt. do these advisors charge me ? i have contacted a lawyer personally but his charges were not affordable to me .thank you
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Hi @shamaria , thank you for your feedback. The advice center I will send you will not charge you. The counseling is free. Yes, lawyers are usually very costly, that’s why it is good to contact a migration counseling center first, their services are free. The refugee law clinic in Frankfurt can advice you on migration and social rights for free. You can contact them via Mail: Please describe your situation in the e-mail. Or, you can come to their open consultation every Friday from 10:00am- 12:00pm with your questions. You do not need to make an appointment before hand. If you need a translator, please let them know one week in advance. You can find the exact place of where you must go here: I would recommend that you bring all relevant papers with you. You can also contact the refugee council in your area. Here you can find their contact information: If you need help with finding an appointment, please let me know. I would love to hear feedback if the refugee law clinic or the refugee council could help you further. I am always happy to help if you have further questions. Best wishes Yara
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Hi @shamaria , I hope you are well. Were you able to receive help from the refugee law clinic in Frankfurt? I would love to hear an update. If you have further questions, please let me know. Best wishes Yara
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  • medienmacher
  • Funded by the European Union Logo
  • Funded by the Federal Ministry of the Interior and Homeland Logo
  • Funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Migration, Refugees and Integration and the Federal Government Commissioner for Anti-Racism Logo
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  • International Rescue Committee Logo