Hallo everyone,
I’m so stressed about my situation now. I applied for asylum and was rejected so my lawyer appealed . I signed the Vollmacht so he said he will do everything for me. My passport is in a different city and I live somewhere else. I wanted to get a Duldung but the Ausländer Behörder in my city said it’s not zuständig. Ever since my lawyer appealed, I haven’t received any response from BAMF I’m really tired , my plan is to get ausbildung then I cancel this Asyl stuff . The school is telling me to do Hospitation which I’m soon starting. I need help on how to get a Duldung and how to know which city is zuständig? Will I be able to cancel my asylum and get my passport back because this process is frustrating.
I’m tired. I will be glad to be helped.
Hello @Hässlich2 , thank you for reaching out. This sounds like a very stressful situation. The @LIFE__Initiative will answer your question as soon as possible.
Best wishes