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I want to study at Germany country. 


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Hello @Abubakar thank you for your question and your interest to study in Germany. You can apply for at a German university if you match the following requirements: - You need to have a university entrance qualification ("Hochschulzugangsberechtigung"). This means that your high school diploma qualifies you to study at a university. You can check if this applies to you through German Academic Exchange Service or the anabin database. In case your high school degree is not mentioned on those database, please don't give up. You can reach out to your preferred university. They will check your documents as well. Additionally, there are counselling services, like IQ network, who can check with you your diploma. - Your German language skills needs to match at least C1 - In case you want to study Biology, please note, that at some universities the admission might be restricted. This means that there are less available spots than application. So, the approval will be checked and are granted according to your average high school diploma grades (numerus clausus (NC)). Some universities additionally do interviews or require a so-called testAS test for foreign students. At most of the universities you can apply twice a year: until end of May for the summer semester or by the end of January for the summer period. You can check that at the website of your preferred university, you wish to attend. Lastly, mostly the biggest hurdle is to apply for a student visa because you will need to show a high amount to secure your livelihood during your studies. On our website, Handbook Germany, you can find more about the necessary requirements for your visa application. Please let me know if something remains unclear or you have further questions.
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