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Kurdish Syrian

Blue pass

Hi, I am a stateless kurd from syria and been living in Germany for 9 years. I been trying to get the blue passport for foreigners. But the german ausländerbehörde keep telling me to go to the Syrian Embassy and ask for a passport/dokument to prove I am syrian.Even tho Germany regonized me as a stateless kurd from Syria and my temporary residence permit says I am from Syria. But as a stateless kurd in Syria, I dont have any right or exist in the syrian system. How will i get that document from the syrian Embassy.Beside that the germans are requesting my grand parents birth of certificate and their current place of stay. What can I do to get the blue passport for foreigners like myself.


Reply (5)

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Daniela_Community Managerin

Hello @Kurdish Syrian  
thank you for sharing your situation.

To better understand the circumstances, could you tell me:

  • What kind of residence permit do you have? Please tell me the paragraph.
  • How long have you lived in Germany with the residence permit (plastic card) during these 9 years?
  • Did you apply to the foreigners authority for a passport and were you rejected? Did you file an appeal?

I am waiting for your response.

Kind regards

Kurdish Syrian

Hi Daniela 

Thank you for your reply.


1) My Residence permit paragraph is 25.ABS.2 (4 Asylg)

2) I been having this residence permit since 2016 when I got my asylum approved.

3) I applied for any type of passport either the grey for stateless people and the Blue pass for foreigners but the ausländerbehörde is asking for a document to prove I am from syria by sending my to the Syrian embassy, I went there and when I told em my situation but as soon as I said I am a kurd and stateless, The syrian embassy kicked me outand banned me from coming back. I told the ausländerbehörde about it but they say I have to get that document from the syrian embassy or they wont give a passport plus they are asking for my grand parents and my parents birth of certificate and their current whereabouts. This request is not possible for me to attain. I havent appealed because I dont know how or who to appeal to.


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Daniela_Community Managerin

Hi again,
I will do some further research and come back to you beginning of next week. 

Kind regards

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Daniela_Community Managerin

Hello @Kurdish Syrian  

Thank you for providing more details.

Have you already contacted an advice centre? Have you taken legal action if you received a negative response to your passport application?

In general, the authorities are very restrictive about issuing passports if it isn't unreasonable ("unzumutbar") to get one from the home country's embassy. 
In your case, I wonder why they wouldn't give you a passport for stateless people, as the situation seems pretty clear.
Do you have any written statement from the embassy? 

You may already be eligible for naturalization. Unfortunately, you will still need to provide a passport (e.g. a stateless person's passport). You can find this information here.

As we cannot help you further in this forum and we do not offer legal advice, an advice centre such as MBE (Migration Counselling for Adults) or JMD (Youth Migration Services) might be the place to go. Do you know of any advice centres in your area?
Please let me know if I can help you find the right address.

Kind regards

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Daniela_Community Managerin

Hi @Kurdish Syrian  
I forgot to mention this website:
They also have a forum, so it might be worth posting there.

Kind regards

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