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Can I come to your country for agriculture visa work from Bangladesh?

Can I come to your country for agriculture visa work from Bangladesh?I am doing data entry job in Bangladesh.I wanted to come by your country because I listen from someone that you hired for people who are work for agriculture work in your country


Reply (2)

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Barbara Stasiak_Community Manager
Hey @MITHUN TALAPATRA , thank you for contacting us with your question. There are job positions available in the field of agriculture. For information on finding a job in Germany, please visit: As you wrote, you need a work permit. To get one you must be considered a skilled worker: Upon receiving a work contract or job offer, you can apply for a work permit at your local German embassy or consulate. Additionally, you may apply for a job search visa: Here you can also find all the different types of visas and their requirements: Finally, you can use this tool to quickly check your visa options: Please let me know if you have any additional questions after reading the links I have sent you. Best Barbara
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Barbara Stasiak_Community Manager
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