Cannot book an appointment for Residence Permit in Aachen
I obtained a student D visa to attend a language course in Germany before enrolling in university. After arriving in Aachen (Germany), I registered my address and completed the Anmeldung process in Aachen. Following this, I was instructed to schedule an appointment through the website "" (A - Z (Team 1, Team 2, Team 3)) However, I have been struggling to make an appointment for the past four weeks, tried at various times, mornings and evenings 7 days a week. But, no luck so far, I would appreciate any advice or information from others who have faced a similar situation.
Reply (1)
Hallo @GALAXY NOVA , vielen Dank für deine Frage. Bitte versuche einen Termin morgens um 7:45 Uhr zu bekommen. Die Ämter in Aachen geben um 7:45 Uhr neue Termine frei, vielleicht dann auch in den Ausländerbehörden. Außerdem solltest du auch unter der Telefonnummer 0241 - 5198-5600 einen Termin vereinbaren können:… Viele Grüße Barbara