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Citizenship & Financing my Integration Course from JobCenter

I am working full-time and earning decent salary from private company in IT sector. It is just my personal circumstances that my bank balance is negative (around 10000 EUR) and I am in debt. It happens since my father met an accident and brain-injured. I took out loan from a Germany Bank and paid his medical expenses in his country of residence and paying for his ongoing treatment and well-bing since it is not custom to have a health insurance in his country. I am the only son to him so I am responsible to take care of him

My question is that if I am unable to afford my Integration & Orientation Course, can state or job center assume the cost of it? I am on settlement permit and am living Berlin for the past 7 years. If I get some financial support for this integration course, does it have any impact on my citizenship application later? I have been paying tax to this wonderful country and I wish to be part of this country. Please guide me on whether I should apply for some assistance and how will that affect my Germany Citizenship application later.




Reply (4)

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Hello @DeutscheMann , I hope that you father can recover quickly! Generally, the BAMF covers most of the costs of the integration course. You must pay 2.29 Euros for each class. So, if you have a course that is around 600 hours the cost would be 1,374 Euros. Those who receive financial support or are in need can get the costs covered. You can apply and mention your financial hardship. However, the application might be rejected since you are working full time. Please attach an explanation to the application explaining your hardship. Also note that the application should be handed in a while before the start of the course.… Since this is not a social benefit. You do not have to worry about it impacting your application for German citizenship. Another possibility would be to ask for the payment in installments, so you do not have to pay the full amount at once. It is also good to know, that once you have completed your integration course successfully, you can receive 50% of the money back that you paid. Only requirement is that you finish your course successfully within 2 years of receiving the eligibility for the course. More information about the integration course can be found here: I hope this information was useful. If you have further questions please feel free to ask. Best wishes Yara
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@DeutscheMann , did you receive the subsidies from the state? Were you able to attend an integration course? Best wishes Yara
Since I had this eligibility letter in 2016, I was told that it is valid up to 2018. I am no longer eligible to continue the course.
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I am sorry to hear this @DeutscheMann . Yes it is important to check on your letter (Berechtigungsbescheid) how long it is valid for and apply for the integration course within that time frame. If you have further questions please do not hesitate to ask us. Best wishes Yara
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