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Desire of learning more

This question was posted by Constantin83
Good morning  I am Morial and I fleed from Ukraine with my family recently and have been living  here in Germany for about 9 weeks now. The problem is that my wife and I would like to learn the language more but our courses seem not to be enough. Could you insert us in any free online courses available. It goes without saying that our integration process isn't fast enough. Thanks for your attention towards people like us. 


Reply (8)

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Hello @CONSTANTIN83 Thank you for your question, I am sure others are also in the same position and have a desire to learn German as quickly as possible. There are various free or very low cost courses. I will share some examples with you here. You can register online at the adult education center (Volkshochschule/VHS)… You can also choose a private tutor that can help you and your wife learn German faster, there are many volunteers that are willing to teach German for free. Please have a look at this website for more information:… We have created a list of possible ways to learn German on our Ukraine info page, take a look: Wishing you all the best and success in learning German. We would love to hear your feedback if you have tried out any of the courses or if anyone else knows any free courses we have not listed yet. Best wishes Yara PS: This question was first posted in the French forum and then moved to the English site.
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Hello @CONSTANTIN83 , I hope you are doing well! Were you able to attend any of the free lessons? How were they? Best wishes Yara
Hello Madam Yara almunaizel, Thank you very much for posting the aboved links for learning Deutsch language. I attended for B2 online course and now I am countinouing it. it is very useful. I was not allowed to participate for B2 Deutsch course by the Jobcenter, after receiving B1 certificate. So now it helped me a lot to learn more and is making my languge a little bit better. best regards, Nawid
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Hello @888raufi , that's great to hear we could help you improve your German skills. I am sorry to hear that the Jobcenter was not willing to further fund your B2 course. If you have any further questions please let us know. We are always happy to help. Best wishes
Guten tag , wie geht's ihnen ? i started learning now german on DW learn german website , what do you think about it , is it good ? in the same time is my move to germany for work requests a certain certificate for german language ??
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Hello @Salah__Nour , the DW learning German website is a great starting point. For most work related visas to Germany you have to proof a certain level of German by finishing a course by an officially recognized institution for example from the Goethe Institute. The level of German depends on the type of visa you are applying to. For more information you can refer to our chapter on Immigration on Handbook Germany: I am happy to help if you have further questions. Best wishes
Hallo yara @Yara__Community_Manager , Wie geht es du ?? , i just want to know is there is a directrory or website to know the chemical manufacturers and companines in germany , i google for chemicals companies in germany but it just give me a around 10 companies, i want to know this hence i can use them while applying for job seeker visa vielen dank , Bis Bald :)
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Hi @Salah__Nour , I have found a Wikipidea entry on different chemical companies in Germany. It might be interesting for you: Bis bald, best wishes
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