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Deutsch lernen

I have finished a B1 course but have problem in speaking. I need to improve my speaking  skills that's  why i need someone to help me accordingly.


Reply (6)

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Hello @Jrahmani , thank you for reaching out to us. The best way to improve your speaking skills would be through regular contact with German speakers. We have some general information about how to practice your German on our Handbook Germany page: You can improve your speaking skills, for example, with a tandem program near you. Here is one website where you can look for a tandem: Or locate your nearest Language Cafe. If you let me know where in Germany you are staying I can look for a Language Cafe near you. Best wishes
Thank you very much for responding to my message. I am living in Leiblfing 94339 the nearest city is Straubing. If there is someone regularly to speak with that would really help me to improve my speaking skill.
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Hello @Jrahmani , thank you for your reply and apologies for the delayed response. I have also contacted a volunteer organization of tandems in Bavaria and will add any more information I receive soon. In Straubing I found the following location which also has language cafes. You can contact them via mail or phone and ask about the specific times and dates of these language cafes.… Please keep me updated if you were able to contact them. Best wishes
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Hi @Jrahmani , I received a feedback from the project-lead of "Sprache schafft Chancen". You have probably already attended the voluntary courses organized by the church in Leiblfing. I was just in touch with the church that organizes the courses. If not please let me know then I can send you the contact details. . In addition, there is a language cafe "Cafe Deutsch" where they focus on improving the speaking skills. Unfortunately, this is offered in Landshut, which is a bit far from Leibfing. There is currently a waiting list. But please contact 0871 / 20 66 27 32 or to ask if you can join the Cafe. . I have also contacted another organization in Straubing, and will get back to you as soon as they reply. . Finally have you considered doing a tandem online? There are some online apps where you can register. It takes some time but might be worth it. Here we have some information about learning german online. You can also search for free tandem programs online. Please let me know if you have any further questions. Best wishes
Dear Yara Almunaizel, First of all i am sorry for late respond. Yes, it is right that i had attended in that course hold in Church. I have also finished B1 integration course but i need to improve my speaking skills. To improve this skill i have to speak more and involve more in speaking that's whay i have to find somewhere or someone to speak daily. This way if you can help me join a conversation team or an individual to speak with daily that would much helpful. thank you very much for you following up.
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Hello @Jrahmani , I hope you are well. Were you able to find a suitable German speaking tandem?
We have a new networking partner that helps you find German speakers to speak with you and practice your German.
@Little__World can give you more information.

Best wishes

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  • Funded by the Federal Ministry of the Interior and Homeland Logo
  • Funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Migration, Refugees and Integration and the Federal Government Commissioner for Anti-Racism Logo
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