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Eligibility for Citizenship

I wanted some advice on my eligibility for the citizenship because I’ve had a break in my residence. Here’s my timeline.

2015-2017 - (2 years in Germany) - Masters in a TU. 
2018- Dec 2021 - Went back to my home country (India)
Dec 2021 - Dec 2024 (3 years in Germany) - Working as an employee in a company in Berlin.

I have A2 German, will be giving B1 German exam soon, so will have the language certificate as well.

Am I eligible? Is the student time counted? Does the break affect my time here? Any insights would be appreciated.


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Hallo @fast92 , Thank you for contacting us. You can apply for naturalisation, but there is no guarantee that you will get German citizenship. You can apply for citizenship after living legally in Germany for at least 5 years. If the time spent studying is counted, only half of it would be counted, so it wouldn't even be 5 years. Of course, you can still apply for naturalisation after 3 years, but you would need to speak German to at least C1 level and do voluntary work: I recommend that you get in touch with an advice centre first, the naturalisation process takes a long time, so it makes sense to prepare your documents well: Best wishes Barbara 

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